WebGL Earth JavaScript API – The fastest way to embed a 3D globe in a webpage with an easy to use JavaScript API – mimicking LeafletJS.

WebGL Earth JavaScript API

WebGL Earth is an open-source virtual globe made with HTML5 and Canvas WebGL technology. It comes with a JavaScript API

 adapting the popular LeafletJS API. If you are familiar with Leaflet mapping library or Google Maps API you can easily start to use WebGL Earth API in your mashups and give your mapping applications third dimension with nice fly animations.
Things like markers, pop-ups, centering and flying to a place on given latitude and longitude or loading your own map layers are all possible.
The code from Leaflet can be also mixed with WE – you can pass L.LatLng and L.LatLngBounds, etc.
Map layers such as OpenStreetMap, MapBox, Bing, etc. can be easily loaded. Custom geodata, such as GeoTIFF, ECW, MrSID, etc can be easily turned to compatible tiles with MapTiler. With custom tiles the globes can be used even in intranet or offline.
WebGL Earth uses under the hood the great CesiumJS project for the rendering of the data.

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